Woven, Wired, Buttoned…..

21st April 2015

I have just cut this off the loom – a small piece of weaving made for the Discovery Room project (http://www.revealthemuseum.com) which has taken weeks, thanks to my mad idea of using lots of ‘extra warp’ to create all those little flying pieces and the fine mercerised cotton lines. All about surfaces, and a sense of touch…..you need to read my pieces on the project site and its blog (link above) to find out more.
Meanwhile, I have somehow also got involved in ‘From Lincolnshire And Back’, a project posting unfinished work to a partner artist in Lincolnshire, and receiving one back to work on. I must be mad, like I don’t have enough to do! I have been experimenting with wire, again for the Discovery Room and my ‘surfaces’ ideas, so on the left are the pieces I sent to Lincolnshire. On the right is a new print, very small (85mm square) for the miniprint show that Bron Bradshaw is organising for her Dove Studios Festival this summer. It is taken from the clothing of a Victorian doll in the Somerset Heritage stores. So Discovery Room dominates, but is producing all sorts of different work and spin-offs.  And I can’t forget about the next Mending show of course, ‘Mending Revealed’, that I am curating at Bridport next year. There will be more news about how that is shaping up in due course at http://www.natureofmending.co.uk